If its grass you want, this 15,030 acre ranch has a sea of grass. The ranch is located in McCone County Montana.
There are 8,250 acres deeded, two State Sections over 5 thousand acres of BLM and 320 acres of pri-vate lease. Stock water is plentiful with seven wells, 10 miles of pipe-line, two springs and 17 stock dams.
800 acres of hay land can be used for grazing or forage production. The ranch is divided into 15 pas-tures for range management. Pre-sent owner runs 700 cows from mid April to the end of November.
Corral system is built to handle lots of cows.
Hunting includes antelope, mule deer upland birds and water fowl, and its only about 15 miles to Fort Peck Lake for excellent fishing.
JIM ESPY 406-661-3122